3 Diabetic Strategies that Work


perfect days

Diabetic strategies seem overwhelming because of the unrelenting information they are given.

You get stuck wondering things like, “What will I do about eating with my family and their foods?” or “How am I supposed to focus on me when I’m already running a crazy, busy life?”

When you’re unsure what to do, it’s hard to move forward.

The good news is, you can easily bring order to the chaos by planning your days naturally. No one learns this overnight. The most successful reversed diabetics take it one step at a time.

In this post, I’ll define Diabetes Recovery and provide 3 categories all my patients focused on. I hope that this will give you a roadmap so you can get started with recovery and you are back down to a normal A1C.


What is the perfect diabetic strategy?

In medical terms, you are diagnosed with diabetes if you have an A1c lab test consistently over 6.5. There you have it.  So many patients wrap a ton of other things around this diagnosis.  They begin to worry about sugars, what they can and cannot eat, exercise, lifestyle changes, heart disease, kidney disease, and the list goes on and on.  Whew!  It’s crazy.  It’s just a number. That’s it.

When we get this number down under 6.5, it doesn’t want to stay there.  It wants to creep back up.  If it stayed there once and for all, your doctor could say, “You’re cured”.  But diabetes is not curable.  It is manageable.  Therefore, diabetes is a chronic disease. This means it cannot be cured but it can be managed. And with good management, we can keep the effects of diabetes at bay.


So what can we expect from diabetes management? 

There are better ways to live healthier. And this news is good news!  Diabetics who have changed some of their habits have found themselves with more energy, and focus, sleeping better, feeling better, and happier.

The added benefit is that it’s not about diabetes at all.  It’s about the phenomenal “change for the better” you will find within yourself.


Strategy #1 – Personal Power

Say you find yourself never having enough time.  You are rushed, and overworked, and the demands keep coming.  Personal power gives you the ability to rethink all this.  It gives you confidence. It builds character. It brings you into the leader you are.  And most importantly, you will find a peace in your life that surprises you.

This is a crucial component because as your life changes, as you age, you’ll find your resilience, time management, and willpower to become stronger and easier.

Many people who are new to diabetes start out on the right track but then get stuck because they are using the wrong technique.

And then they wind up stressed over a condition they DO have total control over.

The diabetic strategy and key to staying positive is to believe in yourself.  And if you are not there yet, then find that special person who believes in you now and will carry you until you can believe in yourself.

To get started here, all we have to do today is pull out a journal, or piece of paper and title it, “My Perfect Day”.  Now focus on what that day looks like.  (See my free 14-question template for suggestions).


Strategy #2 – The Sugar Liberation

The Sugar Liberation is recognizing the reality that sugar is not your enemy.  Nor is it overpowering.  It’s just a food staple. It doesn’t care how much you love it or hate it. It’s just a taste. One of many taste sensations you have.

If you’ve spent hours cleaning out your kitchen cabinets, meal planning, counting calories, and reading labels but something still feels off – like you’re not getting results, this is likely the diabetic strategy piece that’s missing.

Without this obvious mindset, you can keep writing meal plans day after day and still will not get your A1c down.


What can you do?

A really useful technique for getting in touch with your own body’s reaction to sugar is to just test it. (See my 3-day challenge in theReverse My Diabetes Now 62-page guide)

diabetic strategies

This is called awareness.  It’s self-knowledge at its best.  After taking the 3-day challenge, my patients found it was fun to test foods.  They played with food. (Something we were taught not to do). But if the food didn’t raise their sugar then they ate more to see if that would raise it. It was all about THEM and not some label on a can. They learned to trust themselves.


Strategy #3 – Moving About

Moving around is getting up and doing what you normally do without interruption.  It is not about going to the gym and lifting 300 pounds, building muscles, and competing for the next boxing championship. It’s about being more active.

Here’s where you’ll really start to feel good.  You realize that moving around burns calories. Movement creates energy. It brings an uplifting outlook to your daily life. It speaks to you in wisdom.

Of course, this will take some time. Consider one extra movement until it feels natural.


The formula you can use to build this into a habit is:

  • What are you doing when you sit?  Are you reading, watching TV, talking on the cell phone, talking to a friend or family member, or eating? I mean how many things can we do when we are sitting?
  • Then find a way to get up and walk?  If you’re reading, go audible.  Put in those headphones and listen to a book. You can get them for free at your library. If it’s talking on the cell phone or to someone, get up and walk and talk.  We can all do this, right?  If it’s eating, how about a walk afterward?  Or remember a thing called picnics?  Yep, people ate and played in a park.
  • Then, in order to keep this a habit, just remember to stand, take the stairs, and park further away from the store.  All these little things add up to big things, burning those calories and lowering your sugar naturally.

Once you’re done,  you’ll be well on your way to your normal A1c.

Putting it All Together for Your Perfect Diabetes Recovery

There you have it! The 3 diabetic strategies to lead you to a perfect recovery.

It may sound like a lot, but like most things practice makes perfect. Just focus on that perfect day.  A day without diabetes. This will help you feel like sugar is just another staple and walking is something you do anyways.

What’s next? Download Your Perfect Day: 14 Questions to Ask Yourself

diabetic strategies


If you need help getting started, these questions will get your mindset on the right track. You can feel the sense of achievement, of power you so rightly deserve.

Click here to download Your Perfect Day now >> https://diabetes.patientbest.com/oi-your-perfect-day


About the Author

Do you feel frustrated with your medical care? Do doctors spend 5 minutes with you, push you out of the office, with you wondering what's going to happen? Does your insurance deny paying? You're not alone. I'm frustrated, too. This is a growing trend in healthcare. Having seen pre-insurance medicine (yes, my dad was an old country doctor), I grew up watching him spend time with his patients, giving them the best care he had to offer. I saw families trust him to help them through hospitalizations and the next crisis. As a patient advocate, my job is to see that you get the right diagnosis, the right treatment plans, and the right supplies and education to make good decisions about your health. More importantly, I will teach you the tricks of the healthcare trade. We need more healthcare consumer protection, especially for chronic illnesses like diabetes. This is what I am passionate about. I make it happen every day with thousands of patients who now know what I know about beating the healthcare system and getting the best patient care...Patient Best.

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